Webinars Dec 2020: The Future of China and Asia, and VSTOXX

To finish up this eventful year of 2020, I will be presenting three webinars in each of the first three weeks of December 2020, covering “core” topics of volatility trading, the future of China, and of opportunities across greater Asia.

2 Dec 6pm HKT, VSTOXX 101: Understanding Europe’s VIX – https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4128539029745491470?source=gfmws

9 Dec 6pm HKT, China’s Blue Chips in 2021 and Beyond – https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5897376162147964431?source=gfmws

15 Dec 6:30pm HKT, Focus on Asia: The Next Decade For The Most Populous and Fastest Growing Continent https://en.swissquote.com/education/webinars/focus-asia-understanding-markets-and-opportunities-out-here-2020-12-15