
For now, we can only manage individual and IRA Vanguard accounts based in the US.

If you have a US Vanguard account, you can enable your investment advisor with limited access to view and rebalance the investments in your Vanguard account.Β  The steps are straightforward and self-explanatory once you find My Accounts > Account Maintenance > Account Permissions in the menu, but below are all 13 screens so you know what to expect.

Before you begin, please contact me and make sure you have your advisor’s a.) Vanguard Account number, b.) birth date, c.) full name, d.) mailing address, e.) e-mail address, and f.) US phone number.

  1. First, go to My Accounts > Account Maintenance

Vanguard account permissions

2. Next, find “Account Permissions” in the lower right hand corner of this page under “Security Profile”

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3. Here you click the “Grant Access Online” button

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4. Read and continue

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5. Here, enter your advisor’s Vanguard account number…

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6.Β  … name, birth date, and e-mail address …

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7. … mailing address and phone number.

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8. To enable your advisor to trade and rebalance your Vanguard account on your behalf, choose “Limited Authority”

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9. This screen clarifies which permissions the grantee has and doesn’t have.Β  Most importantly, your advisor can not move money into or out of your account.

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10. You can choose which accounts or account groups to grant the advisor this access to.Β  Typically these groups will be taxable, IRA, or both.Β  As of this writing, Vanguard does not seem to allow you to grant permission on their Nevada 529 plan, or any ERISA (e.g. 401k) plan.

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11. Review the information

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12.Then the legal agreement granting the permission pops up for you to e-sign.Β  I screenshot only the first part of this agreement below so you know what to expect ahead of time – the screenshot below is not the whole agreement, and you will need to scroll down to e-sign at the bottom.

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13. Finally, you will get a confirmation and tracking number for your request, which your advisor will then need to accept within 14 days.


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Hope these steps and screenshots were useful, please feel free to contact me through the form below with any questions: