“Concubine” still appears in Hong Kong Inheritance Law

Concubine definition in Hong Kong inheritance ordinance

When reading through the Hong Kong’s Cap 481 Inheritance (Provision for family and dependents) ordinance, I was quite surprised to find the words “concubine” and “concubinage” not only appears and is defined, but is used a total of 10 times in just this law. I’m in no place to comment any further on it, other than to point out the law clearly states recognition of these relationships entered into prior to 7 October 1971, and so I’d imagine a fair number of such relationships may still be alive and well just under 50 years later.

The closest thing this reminds me of in my day to day work is to check the beneficiaries of any old IRA and 401k accounts to make sure you are leaving those to loved ones you still want to leave them to. Beneficiary designations on retirement accounts tend to apply directly on death and outside whatever direction you might have stated in your will.

Happy Estate Planning!

Concubine definition in Hong Kong inheritance ordinance