Getting Interactive Brokers statements automatically e-mailed to you, monthly or even daily

Interactive Brokers is known for being far more trader friendly and tech friendly than user friendly, and many users may feel they have too much choice in how to customize their statements.Β  Below is a quick guide with screenshots that will hopefully help clients log in to Account Management and set up statements for one-time download, or to be automatically e-mailed to you monthly, or even daily.

Step 1: On the Account Management Menu, go to Reports > Activity > Statements


Step 2: Under statements, you can select one of the default statement templates, or one of the statement templates you can customize in Step 3, as well as the period the statement covers (one day, last month, or a custom period between two dates), format (HTML vs PDF), and language.


Step 3: Here if you like you can create your own template for how you want statements for your GFM-managed Interactive Brokers account.


Step 4: Finally, down at the bottom, you can select the account (“Consolidate” or “Concatenate” to have all your accounts presented together vs separately, respectively) and period (daily or monthly) to have these statements automatically e-mailed to you as an HTML or PDF file.


These statements look different than the reports you can get from PortfolioAnalyst, and of course you can contact your GFM account manager if you need help with one-off statements.